Benefits of Relationship Counseling

Benefits of Relationship Counseling

What is relationship counseling?

Relationship counseling, also known as Couples Therapy is a form of psychotherapy or counseling designed to help couples recognize and resolve any kind of conflict or challenges that couples may face in their relationship. It is a therapy that tries to resolve interpersonal conflicts between couples and enhances the quality of the relationship between them.

Related Blog: Relationship Counselling: All You Need To Know

The Benefits of Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling is not just for couples with extreme problems, conflicts, or problems. There are times when even the healthiest and happiest couples need assistance to navigate through life and that’s what relationship counselors do.

Some benefits of couples therapy include:

  1. Improving the quality of communication between couples – We often hear statements in relationships that – “I did not mean it”, “You’re taking me in a wrong way” etc. The problem here is that we’re not able to speak assertively whatever we want to speak and that’s where misunderstandings happen. Relationship counselors help couples to improve their quality of communication by teaching them some skills and giving them some exercises or role-plays.
  2. Helps to understand each other in a better way – We often look at another person as a partner, and not as a human being, and usually, that’s where it all goes wrong. Relationship counselors make you understand another person as a human being, and not as a partner always, which makes us understand the other person in a better way.
  3. Encouraging better acceptance of one another – Unconditional love and acceptance are the basis of any relationship. Sometimes, couples are stuck into expectations and demands wherein they don’t accept the other person unconditionally. So, relationship counselors try to make the couple accept and love each other unconditionally.
  4. Restoring physical and emotional intimacy – Sometimes, because of former debates between couples, they might lose physical as well as emotional intimacy which might be dangerous for the future of the relationship. It is important to restore that intimacy for the good future of the relationship. Relationship counselors help restore that intimacy by finding the root cause of distance in the relationship and help the couple overcome it.
  5. Building trust between couples – It’s true saying that – ‘Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair’. The same formula applies to relationships. It’s important to trust another person in a relationship. Once lost, it takes forever to repair. But, it can be repaired definitely by some efforts from the couple with the help of a counselor.
  6. Setting realistic expectations – Often, unrealistic expectations are set in a relationship. Couples often engage in being perfect for each other and ignore the idea of being ‘imperfectly perfect’. Counselors help couples set realistic expectations in a relationship to avoid any kind of disappointment.
  7. Effective parenting – As a parent, couples may have a different point of view which might negatively affect the child. To avoid this, it is necessary to develop a similar parenting style or adjusting to each other’s parenting styles which will be helpful for the child as well.
  8. Accepting the major transition in a relationship – Examples of challenging relationship transitions include the birth of the first child after marriage, or upon the retirement of a spouse, etc. Couples’ therapy can also be very helpful when couples are beginning a stepfamily.
  9. Resolving differences over major decisions – Major decisions might include the time to get married, have a child, living with in-laws, thinking of a divorce, etc. These points can cause disputes within the couple which can be resolved by a relationship counselor
  10. Looking at things from your partner’s perspective – Many times, it is hard to look at the story from the other person’s perspective. Counselors help the couple to look at the second side of the coin as well. They can teach you to look at the argument from both sides.
  11. Build self-esteem – Self-esteem is an overall opinion of yourself. If a person does not have a better understanding and appreciation of self, they are less likely to understand and appreciate others. Thus, counselors help the person to develop self-esteem which will automatically help the other person develop their self-esteem too. Good self-esteem makes couples have a more positive outlook towards life, and this increases the chances of a long-lasting and successful relationship.
  12. It makes a person happier – Who likes constant fights and conflicts in a relationship? No one does. When we know how to deal with these conflicts, we automatically become happier and make the other person happier as well.
  13. Dealing with divorce – The relationship counseling benefits include trying to prevent families and couples from such heartbreaking outcomes. The counselor helps them to resolve their issues and promote healing. In few extreme cases, divorce can be a safe option. At that time, counselors help the couple deal with it effectively.
  14. Build a successful family – A family where the parents are always fighting is never the ideal place for children to grow up. The counseling sessions can be very helpful for all family members to improve at a personal level and to reconnect together as a family which will help the children feel more safe and secure.
  15. Modifying dysfunctional behavior – Behaviors such as beating a spouse or creating any kind of variance are dysfunctional behavior that can be traumatic. Counselors help modify such behaviors for a healthy relationship.

When Couples Therapy May Not Be Effective?

Although relationship counseling has proven effective for many couples, there are times when it might not be effective. There are few instances wherein couples therapy might not be effective. Such instances may include –

  1. If you think therapy will change your partner.
  2. If you think showing up to sessions is the only work you’ll have to put in.
  3. If you or your partner is reluctant to take therapy sessions.
  4. If your therapist isn’t the right choice for you and your partner.
  5. If any partner shows dysfunctional behavior and is not willing to make changes in themselves.


Relationships can be tough. It needs regular maintenance and repair to work properly and to avoid future hardships. Sometimes, you can do the work on your own, but sometimes, you might need an expert for doing it and that’s where relationships counselors come into the picture. The ultimate goal for a counselor is to help build a healthy relationship and solve any issues that may be present.

Looking for Relationship Counselling Online?

When you need help, feel free to take it and don’t assume that it’s a bad relationship. Seek help and make your relationship better! Online relationship counseling has various advantages. It is specifically most beneficial for couples where one or both partners are traveling frequently or have very different schedules and are unable to coordinate a time to attend couples therapy sessions together. So, don’t be ashamed to seek help. To book an online consultation, click here – https://www.waitt.in/relationship-counselling-service/


About Author

Sawani Oak – Kale

M.A. in Clinical Psychology, Counselor Co-founder at Unico

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